
italy italy

  italie italia italy

carte italie Tuscany Umbria Rome naples, campania Apulia province Calabra sicily venice Lakes of Italy Sardigna Abruzzo basilicata Emilia-Romagna


Capital of Italy since the Italian unification about 150 years ago, Rome was especially the capital of an empire during about 1000 years.

Its architectural is unique, very varied and beautiful, with its important ancient vestiges such as the Colosseum and the Roman Forum, its monuments and places of the rebirth and modern ages, streets of the middle-ages as Trastevere district ... an immense museum in open air.

Few days are enough to cross aver its most touristics places, but it takes several weeks to have a right measurement of its richnesses.

romeMore about Rome : Places of interest, pictures, hotels in Rome

ostia anticaThe region of Rome doesn't miss of interest : Lazio places, in particular, Ostia antica : the port of ancient Rome.







Italie-Italy.com 2007-2008